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Character Information
Name: Awesome Flam
Sex: Male
Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Level: 262
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Thais
Guild Membership: Front Line of the New Fight
Last login: 3 August 2024, 3:51 pm
Account Status: Premium Account
Balance: $ 37.472.306 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
01/08/2024 05:51Died at level 247 by Vampire, Braindeath, 7x Souleater.
31/07/2024 15:16Died at level 240 by 2x Vampire, 2x Braindeath.
31/07/2024 13:31Died at level 239 by 3x Banshee, Braindeath, 2x Souleater, Vampire.
31/07/2024 11:04Died at level 239 by Life Ring, Jabol Prison Brejk, Nieznanyaktywntykisd.
31/07/2024 02:56Died at level 237 by 3x Banshee, 3x Braindeath, 7x Souleater.
31/07/2024 01:37Died at level 237 by Vampire, 2x Braindeath, 4x Souleater.
31/07/2024 01:03Died at level 237 by 2x Vampire, Braindeath, 6x Souleater.
31/07/2024 00:32Died at level 238 by Banshee, 2x Nightstalker, 8x Souleater, Braindeath.
29/07/2024 17:59Died at level 234 by Dumny Pablito, Atta, Furia, Banshee, Artur, Senpai, Braindeath.
28/07/2024 17:16Died at level 215 by Dreadfull, Deus, Ronaldinho Gaucho, Huszczi.
28/07/2024 06:36Died at level 212 by Banshee, 2x Braindeath, 2x Souleater, 2x Nightstalker.
28/07/2024 00:01Died at level 204 by Banshee, Braindeath, 8x Souleater.
27/07/2024 16:09Died at level 196 by 18x Eye of the Seven, 4x Massive Fire Elemental, Chivas Regal, 8x Hellfire Fighter, 2x Behemoth, Priestess.
27/07/2024 02:11Died at level 197 by 7x Souleater.
26/07/2024 23:04Died at level 195 by 2x Nightstalker, 12x Souleater, Braindeath.
26/07/2024 19:55Died at level 192 by Fandangos, 2x Braindeath, Andzor, 4x Souleater.
26/07/2024 15:55Died at level 188 by Ronaldinho Gaucho, Woja Matka, Joaoqqmuda Ek, Zwydek, Zoila Cerda, Sajmowski, Tylko Wtorki Soboty, Deus.
26/07/2024 12:12Died at level 186 by Vampire, Andzor, Hotshot Indico, Braindeath, 31x Souleater, Hk Lovepussy.
26/07/2024 04:11Died at level 186 by 6x Souleater, Gago.
25/07/2024 23:44Died at level 184 by Cult Believer, 9x Vile Grandmaster, 2x Cult Enforcer, 2x Cult Scholar, 10x Vicious Squire.
25/07/2024 23:08Died at level 185 by Gago, 4x Souleater, Andzor.
25/07/2024 01:23Died at level 185 by Fandangos, 3x Banshee, Braindeath, 2x Souleater, Andzor.
24/07/2024 23:14Died at level 184 by 12x Souleater, Banshee.
24/07/2024 19:48Died at level 182 by 11x Pirat Cutthroat, 3x Pirat Mate, 10x Pirat Bombardier, Ziul Amsterdam, 9x Pirat Scoundrel.
24/07/2024 16:20Died at level 183 by Briitz, Habbo Is Back, Gungzin Wod, Destro, Satanyst Rigadarza, Lord Is Back, Twochuy, Druidis Miseravis, Carrobixo.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:11 July 2024, 7:14 pm

1. Awesome Flam Epic War Server offline

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