01/08/2024 05:51 | Died at level 247 by Vampire, Braindeath, 7x Souleater. |
31/07/2024 15:16 | Died at level 240 by 2x Vampire, 2x Braindeath. |
31/07/2024 13:31 | Died at level 239 by 3x Banshee, Braindeath, 2x Souleater, Vampire. |
31/07/2024 11:04 | Died at level 239 by Life Ring, Jabol Prison Brejk, Nieznanyaktywntykisd. |
31/07/2024 02:56 | Died at level 237 by 3x Banshee, 3x Braindeath, 7x Souleater. |
31/07/2024 01:37 | Died at level 237 by Vampire, 2x Braindeath, 4x Souleater. |
31/07/2024 01:03 | Died at level 237 by 2x Vampire, Braindeath, 6x Souleater. |
31/07/2024 00:32 | Died at level 238 by Banshee, 2x Nightstalker, 8x Souleater, Braindeath. |
29/07/2024 17:59 | Died at level 234 by Dumny Pablito, Atta, Furia, Banshee, Artur, Senpai, Braindeath. |
28/07/2024 17:16 | Died at level 215 by Dreadfull, Deus, Ronaldinho Gaucho, Huszczi. |
28/07/2024 06:36 | Died at level 212 by Banshee, 2x Braindeath, 2x Souleater, 2x Nightstalker. |
28/07/2024 00:01 | Died at level 204 by Banshee, Braindeath, 8x Souleater. |
27/07/2024 16:09 | Died at level 196 by 18x Eye of the Seven, 4x Massive Fire Elemental, Chivas Regal, 8x Hellfire Fighter, 2x Behemoth, Priestess. |
27/07/2024 02:11 | Died at level 197 by 7x Souleater. |
26/07/2024 23:04 | Died at level 195 by 2x Nightstalker, 12x Souleater, Braindeath. |
26/07/2024 19:55 | Died at level 192 by Fandangos, 2x Braindeath, Andzor, 4x Souleater. |
26/07/2024 15:55 | Died at level 188 by Ronaldinho Gaucho, Woja Matka, Joaoqqmuda Ek, Zwydek, Zoila Cerda, Sajmowski, Tylko Wtorki Soboty, Deus. |
26/07/2024 12:12 | Died at level 186 by Vampire, Andzor, Hotshot Indico, Braindeath, 31x Souleater, Hk Lovepussy. |
26/07/2024 04:11 | Died at level 186 by 6x Souleater, Gago. |
25/07/2024 23:44 | Died at level 184 by Cult Believer, 9x Vile Grandmaster, 2x Cult Enforcer, 2x Cult Scholar, 10x Vicious Squire. |
25/07/2024 23:08 | Died at level 185 by Gago, 4x Souleater, Andzor. |
25/07/2024 01:23 | Died at level 185 by Fandangos, 3x Banshee, Braindeath, 2x Souleater, Andzor. |
24/07/2024 23:14 | Died at level 184 by 12x Souleater, Banshee. |
24/07/2024 19:48 | Died at level 182 by 11x Pirat Cutthroat, 3x Pirat Mate, 10x Pirat Bombardier, Ziul Amsterdam, 9x Pirat Scoundrel. |
24/07/2024 16:20 | Died at level 183 by Briitz, Habbo Is Back, Gungzin Wod, Destro, Satanyst Rigadarza, Lord Is Back, Twochuy, Druidis Miseravis, Carrobixo. |