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Character Information
Name: Comandante Skrey
Sex: Female
Vocation: Elder Druid
Level: 198
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Carlin
Guild Membership: Member of the Siempre Fine
Last login: 31 July 2024, 11:28 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 1.005.464 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
31/07/2024 01:29Died at level 198 by Weroek, Oyster Nightclub, Gekk Halo, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Nike Air, Parrilla De Oro, Tribilin, Stiile, Nw Full Kokain, Blazekzs, Dogg, Nimet, Magic Navi, Fpds Chinoe, Kziekziitho, Dazz Legend, Demente, Syckess, Rkzz.
31/07/2024 01:18Died at level 198 by Weroek, Comandante Skrey, Fpds Chinoe, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Parrilla De Oro, Tribilin, Blazekzs, King Pralyzer, Demente, Stiile, Nw Full Kokain, Oyster Nightclub, Storious, Syckess, Foekziio, Magic Bigotes, Kziekziitho, Gekk Halo, Nimet, Rkzz.
31/07/2024 01:05Died at level 199 by Weroek, Oyster Nightclub, Fpds Chinoe, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Nike Air, Parrilla De Oro, Tribilin, Dogg, Akulyn, Nimet, Storious, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Stiile, Comandante Skrey, Kziekziitho, Gekk Halo, Rkzz.
31/07/2024 00:50Died at level 199 by Fpds Chinoe, Weroek, Akulyn, Gekk Halo, Oyster Nightclub, Rkzz, Just For Fun, Comandante Skrey, Storious, Demente, Foekziio, Dogg, Parrilla De Oro, Tribilin, Nimet, Stiile.
31/07/2024 00:30Died at level 200 by Fpds Chinoe, Just For Fun, Nimet, Parrilla De Oro, Blazekzs, Gekk Halo, Storious, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Kziekziitho, Bonebreaker, Draxithoo, Nike Air, Stiile.
31/07/2024 00:18Died at level 200 by Weroek, Comandante Skrey, Just For Fun, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Nike Air, Baudesk, Parrilla De Oro, Draxithoo, Jack Shephard, Dogg, Tupamaro, Kziekziitho, Nimet, Stiile, Storious, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Blazekzs, Gekk Halo, Tribilin, Fpds Chinoe, Oyster Nightclub.
29/07/2024 05:09Died at level 200 by Riata De Ackor, Orc Berserpent Sword, One Man Army, 3x Dragon, Tribilin, 2x Dragon Lord.
27/07/2024 08:36Died at level 184 by 2x Infernalist, Klandeztina, Fire Elemental, Dazz Legend.
26/07/2024 15:18Died at level 177 by 8x Infernalist, Leleu Das Kengass, Mestre Do Desastre.
26/07/2024 00:56Died at level 177 by Woja Matka, Hyt Vitin, Heal Black, Dedo De Gurila, Wettki, Jus Token, Lous Troyer, Iphone Izquierdo, Aserejeadejedejedesubese, Phantom, Comandante Skrey.
26/07/2024 00:53Died at level 177 by Woja Matka, Carloskyx, Alex Highclass, Kayenne, Pesadelo Druid, Lous Troyer, Kaketiko Returns, Hyt Vitin, Hotshot Indico, Wettki, Jus Token, Comandante Skrey, Phantom, Aserejeadejedejedesubese, Iphone Izquierdo, Terror Dos Charlover, Abackor.
26/07/2024 00:45Died at level 177 by Dedo De Gurila, High Player Level, Iphone Izquierdo, Hotshot Indico, Alex Highclass, Wettki, Kayenne, Pesadelo Druid, Pittybow, Hk Lovepussy, Kaketiko Returns, Doidera Edzzor, Rushw, Terror Dos Charlover, Hyt Vitin.
26/07/2024 00:41Died at level 177 by Woja Matka, Comandante Skrey, Papai Noel, Aphirin Ftw, Pesadelo Druid, Pittybow, Kaketiko Returns, Bonebreaker, Rushw, High Player Level, Heal Black, Hotshot Indico, Doidera Edzzor, Aserejeadejedejedesubese, Phantom, Mr Seiya, Alex Highclass, Terror Dos Charlover, Tupamaro.
26/07/2024 00:33Died at level 178 by Woja Matka, Dedo De Gurila, Alex Highclass, Kayenne, Terror Dos Charlover, Pittybow, Iphone Izquierdo, Rushw, King Pralyzer, Abackor, Heal Black, Hotshot Indico, Doidera Edzzor, High Player Level, Phantom, Aserejeadejedejedesubese, Pesadelo Druid, Hyt Vitin, Rkzz.
25/07/2024 23:31Died at level 170 by Comandante Skrey, Kziekziitho, Alex Highclass, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Foekziio, El Betuki, Dogg, Fpds Chinoe, Rkzz.
25/07/2024 20:46Died at level 177 by King Pralyzer, Mestre Do Desastre, Thi Rrasga, 3x Infernalist, 2x Fire Elemental, Chatao Daszxataria.
25/07/2024 19:15Died at level 177 by 3x Infernalist, Magesdown, Nomad, Bonitinho.
25/07/2024 16:22Died at level 177 by 9x Infernalist, 2x Fire Elemental.
24/07/2024 07:01Died at level 174 by 6x Exotic Bat, 6x Exotic Cave Spider.
24/07/2024 02:32Died at level 169 by 5x Exotic Bat, 4x Exotic Cave Spider.
24/07/2024 00:04Died at level 169 by Fpds Guacho, Magic Ackor, Comandante Skrey, Nimet, Stiile, Walked Highclass, Rkzz, Fpds Chinoe, Magic Bigotes, Gekk Halo, Orc Berserpent Sword, Baudesk, Backside, Rata Estupida, Foekziio, Blazekzs.
23/07/2024 23:51Died at level 170 by Fpds Guacho, Walked Highclass, Demente, Alex Highclass, Stiile, Hasbulla, Comandante Skrey, Orc Berserpent Sword, Namy Forever, El Kiko, Rata Estupida, Gekk Halo, Rkzz.
23/07/2024 23:19Died at level 170 by Fpds Guacho, Magic Ackor, Abackor, Gekk Halo, Eawkz, Alex Highclass, Comandante Skrey, El Kiko, Morte, Magic Bigotes, Orc Berserpent Sword, Fpds Chinoe, Backside, Rata Estupida, Deko, Blazekzs.
23/07/2024 23:14Died at level 170 by Fpds Guacho, Magic Bigotes, Comandante Skrey, Gekk Halo, Aphirin Ftw, Stiile, Morte, Magic Ackor, Alex Highclass, Orc Berserpent Sword, Namy Forever, Rkzz, Rata Estupida, El Kiko, Blazekzs.
23/07/2024 19:38Died at level 171 by Xnhsz Aposentado, Thi Rrasga, Dragon, Chatao Daszxataria.

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Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:12 July 2024, 7:51 pm

1. Comandante Skrey Epic War Server offline

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