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Character Information
Name: Hidden Paralyze
Sex: Male
Vocation: Elder Druid
Level: 146
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Nivia
Guild Membership: Member of the Game Over
Last login: 23 July 2024, 4:35 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 5 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
23/07/2024 16:35Died at level 147 by Awesome Flam, Woja Matka, Hyt Vitin, Heal Black, 6x Infernalist, High Player Level, 4x Fire Elemental, Kayenne.
23/07/2024 16:15Died at level 147 by Dragon Lord, Wild.
23/07/2024 15:52Died at level 147 by Hellspawn, 2x Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito, 2x Midnight Asura, Destroyer.
23/07/2024 15:44Died at level 147 by Briitz, Zbignew.
23/07/2024 15:39Died at level 148 by 2x Infernalist, Zbignew, Bombaa, Briitz.
22/07/2024 22:21Died at level 150 by Unicornio Verde, Bill Sahdan, Chico Moedas, Ostykoka Eman Dizyt, Magezinx.
22/07/2024 22:18Died at level 150 by Unicornio Verde, Bill Sahdan, Chico Moedas, Ostykoka Eman Dizyt, Xx Ampoonx Xx, Magezinx.
22/07/2024 22:06Died at level 150 by 4x Hellspawn, Midnight Asura, Toy Lokito, Spit Nettle.
22/07/2024 22:02Died at level 151 by Hydra, 2x Dawnfire Asura, 2x Midnight Asura, Toy Lokito.
22/07/2024 14:50Died at level 151 by 2x Hellspawn, 2x Dawnfire Asura, Midnight Asura.
22/07/2024 02:01Died at level 151 by 2x Dragon Lord.
22/07/2024 01:08Died at level 151 by 5x Dragon Lord.
21/07/2024 22:27Died at level 150 by 5x Dragon Lord.
21/07/2024 21:50Died at level 150 by 4x Giant Spider, 2x Medusa, 2x Dragon, 9x Acid Blob, 3x Eternal Guardian, 3x Dragon Lord, 3x Water Elemental, 9x Hydra, 3x Serpent Spawn.
21/07/2024 19:06Died at level 147 by 3x Dragon Lord.
21/07/2024 17:22Died at level 146 by Whereis Rodrigo, Iphone Izquierdo, Holztek, Axealde, Shenk Kamikaze, Sally Cakemax, Druid Alone, Ruzic, Sirulo El Patron, Droga Premium, Dizinho, Netza Antrax, Yakam, Balaz Again.
21/07/2024 03:09Died at level 147 by Dragon Lord, Feytho Here, Diverzo Legends, Robertito Pump.
21/07/2024 01:25Died at level 148 by 3x Dawnfire Asura, Midnight Asura, Toy Lokito.
21/07/2024 01:17Died at level 149 by 2x Hellspawn, 2x Dawnfire Asura, Midnight Asura, Destroyer.
21/07/2024 01:12Died at level 150 by 4x Hellspawn, Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito, Midnight Asura, Destroyer.
20/07/2024 23:41Died at level 151 by Hellspawn, Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito.
20/07/2024 23:14Died at level 150 by 2x Hellspawn, 2x Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito.
20/07/2024 23:11Died at level 151 by Yakam, Whereis Rodrigo.
20/07/2024 21:59Died at level 151 by 3x Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito, 2x Midnight Asura.
20/07/2024 21:44Died at level 151 by 2x Hellspawn, 2x Dawnfire Asura, Toy Lokito.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:16 July 2024, 1:27 pm

1. Hidden Paralyze Epic War Server offline

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