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Character Information
Name: Ronaldinho
Sex: Male
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 380
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Darashia
Guild Membership: Serial Killer of the Next Target
Last login: 3 September 2024, 7:04 pm
Account Status: Premium Account
Balance: $ 981.458 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
26/08/2024 15:35Died at level 381 by 28x Makara, 8x Parder, 7x Jungle Moa, 26x Naga Archer, 13x Naga Warrior.
20/08/2024 14:31Died at level 380 by 22x Demon Outcast, 10x Energy Elemental, Silencer, 3x Retching Horror, 2x Hellhound, 3x Choking Fear, 3x Juggernaut, 2x Frazzlemaw, 2x Betrayed Wraith, 9x Dark Torturer, 3x Blightwalker, 9x Plaguesmith, 4x Nightmare.
20/08/2024 10:56Died at level 380 by 10x Demon Outcast, 4x Energy Elemental, 2x Betrayed Wraith, Juggernaut, 2x Plaguesmith, Dark Torturer.
17/08/2024 12:37Died at level 370 by 5x Demon Outcast, Energy Elemental, Lost Soul, 2x Dark Torturer, 2x Plaguesmith, 2x Nightmare.
17/08/2024 07:31Died at level 370 by 3x Retching Horror, Frazzlemaw, 2x Silencer.
17/08/2024 06:10Died at level 371 by 7x Guzzlemaw, 9x Frazzlemaw, 5x Silencer, 2x Retching Horror, Tykor, 2x Choking Fear.
16/08/2024 08:46Died at level 366 by 2x Retching Horror, 10x Choking Fear, 2x Silencer.
16/08/2024 00:38Died at level 366 by 5x Dark Torturer, Plaguesmith, Energy Elemental, 3x Demon Outcast.
15/08/2024 10:33Died at level 366 by 4x Demon Outcast, Energy Elemental, 2x Betrayed Wraith, Dark Torturer, Plaguesmith, Lost Soul.
12/08/2024 20:43Died at level 353 by 3x Retching Horror, 2x Silencer, Frazzlemaw, 2x Choking Fear.
11/08/2024 05:42Died at level 339 by 6x Demon Outcast, Energy Elemental, Lost Soul, 2x Dark Torturer, Plaguesmith, Nightmare.
10/08/2024 23:40Died at level 339 by Juggernaut, 4x Demon Outcast, Energy Elemental, Silencer, 2x Dark Torturer, Plaguesmith, Blightwalker, 2x Choking Fear.
07/08/2024 20:12Died at level 322 by 4x Retching Horror, Dark Torturer, 3x Choking Fear.
07/08/2024 19:13Died at level 323 by 8x Guzzlemaw, 12x Frazzlemaw, 10x Silencer, 6x Retching Horror, Choking Fear.
06/08/2024 16:55Died at level 319 by 4x Demon Outcast, Lost Soul, 2x Dark Torturer, 2x Plaguesmith, 3x Nightmare.
05/08/2024 15:03Died at level 316 by Dark Torturer, Lost Soul.
04/08/2024 08:56Died at level 312 by 3x Retching Horror, 3x Choking Fear.
04/08/2024 07:01Died at level 313 by 4x Retching Horror, 2x Silencer, 3x Frazzlemaw, 3x Choking Fear.
03/08/2024 23:13Died at level 314 by 5x Retching Horror, 3x Choking Fear.
03/08/2024 18:46Died at level 313 by 9x Guzzlemaw, 4x Frazzlemaw, 3x Silencer.
03/08/2024 08:48Died at level 314 by 6x Retching Horror, 2x Silencer, 3x Choking Fear.
03/08/2024 07:45Died at level 314 by 6x Retching Horror, Choking Fear, 3x Frazzlemaw, Silencer.
02/08/2024 19:23Died at level 312 by 7x Retching Horror, 2x Frazzlemaw, 5x Choking Fear.
02/08/2024 16:34Died at level 313 by 6x Retching Horror, 7x Choking Fear.
02/08/2024 00:29Died at level 310 by 2x Juggernaut, 5x Demon Outcast, Dark Torturer, Blightwalker.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024+690.156 (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:12 July 2024, 8:04 pm

1. Ronaldinho Epic War Server offline

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