Contentbox headline
Character Information
Name: Superman Maniacko
Sex: Male
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 163
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Yalahar
Guild Membership: Torta de la barda of the Mexico Magico
Last login: 12 August 2024, 7:16 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 1.000.000 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
08/08/2024 05:26Died at level 163 by Vampire, Maremotto, Ancient Scarab, 8x Magicthrower, Ghost, 6x Plaguethrower, Samurai Kinght, Mummy.
02/08/2024 20:16Died at level 164 by Hydra.
02/08/2024 06:04Died at level 161 by 4x Retching Horror, 6x Choking Fear.
02/08/2024 05:10Died at level 161 by Shock Head, 3x Guzzlemaw, 6x Frazzlemaw, Silencer.
02/08/2024 05:07Died at level 162 by 5x Silencer, 8x Guzzlemaw, 18x Frazzlemaw, Choking Fear.
02/08/2024 05:05Died at level 162 by 6x Silencer, 3x Guzzlemaw, 16x Frazzlemaw, Choking Fear.
01/08/2024 16:12Died at level 160 by 5x Hydra.
01/08/2024 15:31Died at level 161 by 6x Hydra.
01/08/2024 06:24Died at level 157 by Serpent Spawn, Spit Nettle, 3x Medusa.
30/07/2024 22:41Died at level 157 by 3x Serpent Spawn, 3x Medusa.
22/07/2024 21:12Died at level 148 by 16x Sea Serpent, 5x Young Sea Serpent, Ma Gick.
22/07/2024 05:07Died at level 134 by 4x Hydra.
21/07/2024 21:57Died at level 120 by Son of Verminor, Maremotto, 7x Plaguesmith, 14x Blightwalker.
21/07/2024 19:40Died at level 120 by Envyus Bombinha, Bin Laden, Off Noia, Nopalito, Dark Torturer, Taylor Swift, Backside, Throwing Stars.
21/07/2024 19:15Died at level 120 by 3x Dark Magician, 3x Monk, 3x Hunter, 4x Priestess, 5x Wild Warrior, 2x Minotaur Guard, Hero, 4x Demon Skeleton, 2x Dragon Hatchling, 6x Fire Elemental, Stalker, Dragon, Minotaur Mage, 2x Hellfire Fighter, 3x Dark Apprentice, 2x Fire Devil, 2x Warlock.
20/07/2024 21:34Died at level 91 by 3x Midnight Asura, Hellspawn.
19/07/2024 23:12Died at level 86 by 2x Corym Charlatan.
19/07/2024 19:07Died at level 85 by 2x Corym Skirmisher, Corym Vanguard.
19/07/2024 10:02Died at level 71 by 3x Corym Vanguard, 3x Corym Skirmisher, Corym Charlatan.
19/07/2024 08:33Died at level 66 by 3x Nightmare.
19/07/2024 04:55Died at level 59 by 3x Corym Skirmisher, 4x Corym Vanguard.
19/07/2024 03:13Died at level 49 by 5x Corym Charlatan, 6x Corym Skirmisher, 9x Corym Vanguard.
18/07/2024 21:55Died at level 49 by Corym Charlatan, 5x Corym Skirmisher, 5x Corym Vanguard.
18/07/2024 20:48Died at level 45 by Eternal Secret, Papalos.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:18 July 2024, 6:26 pm

1. Ghosth Rider Epic War Server offline
2. Good Fast Epic War Server offline
3. Superman Maniacko Epic War Server offline

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