06/08/2024 23:26 | Died at level 282 by 3x Dawnfire Asura, 7x Midnight Asura, 5x Frost Flower Asura. |
06/08/2024 22:30 | Died at level 282 by 2x Dawnfire Asura, Og Dhamer, Wuero Ekz, Pampycks, 4x Frost Flower Asura, 4x Midnight Asura, Chokis. |
06/08/2024 14:14 | Died at level 280 by Liptoon, Evo Lution, Dumnywojtek, Artur, Atta. |
06/08/2024 14:06 | Died at level 281 by Dawnfire Asura, Evo Lution, Dumnywojtek, Artur, Senpai, Atta. |
06/08/2024 12:57 | Died at level 281 by Evo Lution, 3x Dawnfire Asura, Atta, Tomeczek, Furia, Fire Elemental, 2x Midnight Asura, Senpai. |
05/08/2024 17:02 | Died at level 270 by Evo Lution, Furia, Artur, Tomeczek, Atta. |
04/08/2024 20:27 | Died at level 266 by 3x Dawnfire Asura, 3x Frost Flower Asura, 2x Midnight Asura. |
04/08/2024 07:13 | Died at level 260 by 2x Dawnfire Asura, 6x Midnight Asura, 2x Frost Flower Asura. |
04/08/2024 00:01 | Died at level 257 by Declan Harp, Aragano, Samuka Rullesz, Luco Daron, Lua Prateada. |
03/08/2024 15:22 | Died at level 253 by Dawnfire Asura, 3x Frost Flower Asura, 3x Midnight Asura. |
02/08/2024 13:39 | Died at level 244 by 2x Shaburak Demon, 2x Shaburak Lord. |
02/08/2024 04:51 | Died at level 241 by Shaburak Lord, 3x Shaburak Prince. |
02/08/2024 02:55 | Died at level 241 by 2x Shaburak Demon, 2x Shaburak Lord. |
31/07/2024 19:41 | Died at level 237 by 6x Shaburak Demon, 5x Shaburak Prince, 3x Shaburak Lord, Shad Teez. |
31/07/2024 15:37 | Died at level 237 by Life Ring, Nieznanyaktywntykisd, 7x Midnight Asura, 4x Frost Flower Asura, Nieznanyaktyws. |
31/07/2024 12:08 | Died at level 237 by Werehyaena Shaman, 3x Werehyaena. |
31/07/2024 11:43 | Died at level 238 by Life Ring, Nimet, Mi Mi, Jabol Prison Brejk, Nieznanyaktyws. |
31/07/2024 10:55 | Died at level 238 by Jabol Prison Brejk, Dawnfire Asura, Emptyman, Frost Flower Asura, Mi Mi, 3x Midnight Asura, Life Ring. |
31/07/2024 10:18 | Died at level 238 by Emptyman, Jabol Prison Brejk, Nieznanyaktywntykisd, Mi Mi, Midnight Asura, 2x Frost Flower Asura. |
30/07/2024 23:35 | Died at level 233 by 3x Midnight Asura, Frost Flower Asura. |
30/07/2024 12:37 | Died at level 232 by Emptyman, Tank Na Otwartej, Frost Flower Asura, Malygos, Pitek, Bananek, Midnight Asura. |
30/07/2024 03:48 | Died at level 231 by Werehyaena Shaman, 6x Werehyaena. |
30/07/2024 01:58 | Died at level 231 by 2x Werehyaena Shaman, Kamado Tanjiro, 2x Werehyaena. |
30/07/2024 00:33 | Died at level 190 by Gimli The Dwarff, Carloskyx, Aphirin Ftw, Adony Style, Baudesk, King Pralyzer, Abackor, Eawkz, Walked Highclass, Confu, Nero Rushaeasy, Tupamaro, Foekziio, Wall Manerrito, Deus, Droga Premium, Magic Bigotes, Jamal Galactic. |
30/07/2024 00:27 | Died at level 190 by Nero Rushaeasy, Carloskyx, Jamal Galactic, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Deus, Baudesk, King Pralyzer, Tupamaro, Demente, Eawkz, Confu, Foekziio, El Kiko, Droga Premium, Iphone Izquierdo, Wall Manerrito, Adony Style, Gimli The Dwarff. |