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Character Information
Name: Fabao
Sex: Male
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 156
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Thais
Guild Membership: Member of the Arsenal
Last login: 28 July 2024, 2:51 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 747.463 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
19/07/2024 01:09Died at level 141 by Aragano, Coke To, Cu Velox, Mr Dollar, Mary Loka.
19/07/2024 01:06Died at level 142 by Kaio Al, Brazil In, Namy Forever, Xeros, Zaint Comparsa, Fabao, Iphone Izquierdo, Fulga Arrogante, Tupamaro, Demarcus Cousins, Fechamento, Confu, Dead Terrorist, Adony Style, Bodzin, Ruler, Druid Fussion.
19/07/2024 00:39Died at level 142 by Hasbulla, Namy Forever, Nimet, Magic Navi, Orc Berserpent Sword, Stiile, Fabao, Foekziio, Fpds Chinoe, Backside, Gekk Halo, Dynamo, Dogg.
19/07/2024 00:35Died at level 142 by Hasbulla, Magic Ackor, Fpds Chinoe, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Gekk Halo, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Nimet, Dogg, Orc Berserpent Sword, Dynamo, Dolph Aposentado.
19/07/2024 00:31Died at level 143 by Hasbulla, Magic Ackor, Namy Forever, Fpds Chinoe, Lipe Mage, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Magic Navi, Orc Berserpent Sword, Gekk Halo, Backside, Nimet, Dynamo, Dogg.
19/07/2024 00:23Died at level 143 by Hasbulla, Namy Forever, Nimet, Gekk Halo, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Fabao, Orc Berserpent Sword, Fpds Chapito, Backside, Fpds Chinoe, Dynamo, Dogg.
19/07/2024 00:21Died at level 143 by Hasbulla, Magic Ackor, Namy Forever, Nimet, Orc Berserpent Sword, Fpds Chinoe, Soyoulike Whatyousee, Dolph Aposentado, Magic Navi, Foekziio, Fpds Chapito, Backside, Gekk Halo, Dynamo, Dogg.
19/07/2024 00:14Died at level 144 by Fabao, Orc Berserpent Sword, Fpds Chapito, Foekziio, Nimet, Dogg, Soyoulike Whatyousee.
18/07/2024 23:22Died at level 144 by Antrax, John Starbucksz, Made In Bangkok, Mestre Do Desastre, Vulgo Romarin, Peppa Pig, Fabao.
18/07/2024 23:10Died at level 144 by Melhor Avengrs, Namy Forever, Chatao Daszxataria, Mestre Do Desastre, Nox Devzk, Fandangos, Made In Bangkok, Vulgo Romarin, Nove Caudas, Peppa Pig, Fabao.
18/07/2024 23:06Died at level 144 by Melhor Avengrs, Mestre Do Desastre, Vulgo Romarin, John Starbucksz, Hardwell Ms, Nove Caudas, Nox Devzk, Antrax, Fandangos, Made In Bangkok, Xnhsz Aposentado, Leleu Das Kengass, Peppa Pig, Fabao.
18/07/2024 23:04Died at level 145 by Brazil In, Namy Forever, Mestre Do Desastre, Vulgo Romarin, Fandangos, Made In Bangkok, Xnhsz Aposentado, Peppa Pig, Nove Caudas, Melhor Avengrs.
18/07/2024 23:01Died at level 145 by Mestre Do Desastre, Chatao Daszxataria, Fabao, Xnhsz Aposentado, Leleu Das Kengass, Melhor Avengrs, Thules, Tupinambaa, Rafasz, John Starbucksz, Nox Devzk, Vulgo Romarin, Made In Bangkok, Namy Forever, Fandangos, Peppa Pig, Dolph Aposentado.
15/07/2024 18:45Died at level 63 by Dragon.
15/07/2024 18:08Died at level 63 by Dragon.
15/07/2024 17:13Died at level 62 by Dragon.
15/07/2024 17:03Died at level 62 by Dragon.
15/07/2024 16:08Died at level 61 by Jakeez.
15/07/2024 09:33Died at level 53 by Dragon.

Frags List
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Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
07/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
06/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
05/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
04/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
03/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)
02/09/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:14 July 2024, 9:28 am

1. Fabao Epic War Server offline

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