Contentbox headline
Exchange System

O NPC Lyra Merchant fica localizado ao lado oeste-sul de Thais, nele você tem acesso a obter todos as trocas por itens especiais.

Como falar com o NPC?

Hi, Exchange... O NPC vai lhe mostrar a lista de itens disponiveis para trocar.

(Clique na imagem pra ampliar.)

Epic Black Book
Reward: Required Items:
Epic Black Book

Magic level +3
Protection death +4%
Health +2/2s
Mana +6/2s
- 1x Epic Blue Book
- 1x Epic Red Book
- 10.000.000 Gold

Epic Death Amulet
Reward: Required Items:
Epic Death Amulet

Protection death +8%
Protection holy -25%
Reduce skill loss +25%
- 1x Epic Amulet
- 1x Koshei's Ancient Amulet
- 10.000.000 Gold

Epic Cobra Amulet
Reward: Required Items:
Epic Cobra Amulet

Protection death +9%
Reduce skill loss +25%
- 1x Epic Amulet
- 1x The Cobra Amulet
- 20.000.000 Gold

Epic Death Ring
Reward: Required Items:
Epic Death Ring

Arm: 1
Protection death +3%
Health +1/2s
Mana +2/2s
- 1x Epic Ring
- 1x Butterfly Ring
- 20.000.000 Gold

Epic Death Quiver
Reward: Required Items:
Epic Death Quiver

Protection death +3%
Speed +5
Reduce munition 50%
- 1x Epic Quiver
- 1x Butterfly Ring
- 20.000.000 Gold
Monster of the Day Monster Pedestal
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
534, Master Sorcerer
Silent Player
437, Elite Knight
Mateuzera Fu..
401, Master Sorcerer
4 - Sajm
398, Master Sorcerer
5 - Plus Ultra
394, Master Sorcerer